Posts Tagged ‘Kalispell OB/GYN’
Prevent Cervical Cancer – The Latest Pap and HPV Testing News
By Dr. Erin Lauer You may have heard in the news over the last several years that pap smears aren’t necessary every year. But what does that mean and why? Why wouldn’t we do pap smears every year? What is the point of a pap smear, anyway? Hopefully, I’m able to answer some of those…
Read MoreYou’ve got this, Mama!
Breastfeeding. The thing that most moms don’t even think much about until after they deliver, but the most likely thing to be more frustrating than pregnancy and delivery combined.
Read MoreKalispell OBGYN Offers V-BACS
Dr. Jonas / Kalispell OBGYN Q: My first baby was born by Cesarean section. Is it safe to have my next child vaginally? A: That is a great question, and the answer is likely “yes.” Vaginal births after cesarean can be a wonderful option for most women. If you had your first baby by Cesarean…
Read MoreThe Benefits of Teaching
The real reason doctors teach has to do with the obligation we feel to teach the future doctors the same way we were taught. To take care of our patients in the best way possible.
Read MorePMS {Premenstrual Syndrome}
By Kimberley Forthofer, ARNP – Kalispell OB/GYN PMS…..It’s expected, but that doesn’t make it any more tolerable. In fact, this may very well make it worse as you live in fear of the two weeks out of the month you will not be yourself, which you know will impact your work, your relationships, and most…
Read MoreInfertility
By Alisha Pinkerton, PA-C | Kalispell OB/GYN Each year many couples try to conceive and most are successful within the first year; however, approximately 10 – 15% of couples will struggle with infertility. In order to fully understand infertility, it is important to understand the definition of infertility, when to be evaluated and what tests…
Read MoreDelivering Patient Care for a Lifetime
At Kalispell OB/GYN, we work hard every day to help promote and protectthehealth,safetyandqualityoflifeforallwomen. Allour providers are strong advocates for women’s health care. It is our mission to provide the best care for women in all stages of life through a professional and compassionate health model.
Read MorePelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvic organ prolapse is a medical condition that can have a profound impact on a patient’s lifestyle and body image. The good news is most of these conditions can be treated, so contact your gynecologist today!
Read MoreQ: How do I choose the birth control method that is right for me?
By Kasey Patton, NP – Kalispell OB/GYN / 406 Magazine Excellent question! There are so many options available to choose from today that picking which method is best for you may seem a bit overwhelming. Let me help by breaking down the options based on how often each method requires your attention. Daily Oral…
Dr. deHoop / Kalispell OB/GYN Q: I am 36 weeks pregnant and my doctor recommended that I get the flu vaccine as well as the vaccine for pertussis (Tdap). I remember the recommendation of the flu vaccine with my previous child, but not the Tdap. Why are these vaccines important in pregnancy? A: This…
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