Posts Tagged ‘hysterectomy’
Q: I am having a hysterectomy as I have a prolapsed uterus and want to know if it is wise to have my ovaries removed?
By Dr. Thomas deHoop / Kalispell OB/GYN A: The answer is dependent on a few factors such as age, family history, risk of heart disease and osteoporosis with age being the most significant. You have to balance the risks of removal (premature menopause) against therisks of leaving the ovaries in place. After ovarian removal, ovarian…
Read MoreI need a hysterectomy. Should I ask my Doctor about robotic surgery?
Dr. Gwen Jonas – November 2013 To answer this question, let’s first review what exactly is entailed in your surgery, the methods by which it could be done and talk about the benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery. We will then cover how Robotic-assisted surgery allows some women to have Minimally Invasive Surgery who otherwise might…
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