Kalispell OBGYN Offers V-BACS

Kalispell OBGYN = putting care in women's healthcare

Dr. Jonas / Kalispell OBGYN Q: My first baby was born by Cesarean section. Is it safe to have my next child vaginally? A: That is a great question, and the answer is likely “yes.” Vaginal births after cesarean can be a wonderful option for most women. If you had your first baby by Cesarean…

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The Benefits of Teaching

The real reason doctors teach has to do with the obligation we feel to teach the future doctors the same way we were taught. To take care of our patients in the best way possible.

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PMS {Premenstrual Syndrome}

PMS Kalispell OB_GYN

By Kimberley Forthofer, ARNP – Kalispell OB/GYN PMS…..It’s expected, but that doesn’t make it any more tolerable.  In fact, this may very well make it worse as you live in fear of the two weeks out of the month you will not be yourself, which you know will impact your work, your relationships, and most…

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By Alisha Pinkerton, PA-C  | Kalispell OB/GYN Each year many couples try to conceive and most are successful within the first year; however, approximately 10 – 15% of couples will struggle with infertility.  In order to fully understand infertility, it is important to understand the definition of infertility, when to be evaluated and what tests…

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Choosing The Right Birth Control To Fit Your Needs

Birth Control Options Kalispell OB/GYN

There are so many birth control options available to choose from today that picking which method is best for you may seem a bit overwhelming. We can help by breaking down the options based on how often each method requires your attention. Working with your provider, we can find the best birth control to fit your lifestyle.

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Osteoporosis literally means porous bones. Following menopause, women are at increased risk for development of osteoporosis due to the sharp decline in estrogen levels during this transition. Women should understand their individual risks, talk to their practitioners about when screening is right for them, and learn about prevention and if needed, treatment of osteoporosis. 

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Health Literacy


It has been estimated that 9 out of 10 Americans do not grasp a full understanding of the information given to them during their health care visits. Health care is a partnership between patient and provider, and every effort should be made between the individual and the professional to make sure that there is understanding of the information conveyed to one another.

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The Annual Manual

Kalispell-ObGyn-Annual exam for women

by Dr. Jenna Huff | Kalispell OB/GYN It wasn’t too long ago when women were getting Pap smears yearly and so the answer to “when was your last Pap?” was easy. But as Pap smear recommendations changed, first to every other year and then on to every 3-5 years, the answer seems to be a…

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